I have been very fortunate this week. Upon my arrival in Dakar, I expected to have an apartment ready and waiting for me in Ouakam. When I went to see it, however, it was not as I expected. I have been fortunate to have a Coach Bénévole here offer to open his house to me until I find an apartment for the next three months. Terenga in Senegal will never cease to amaze me. They have been so friendly, stuffing me full of yassa and ceebujen as well as attaya, traditional Senegalese tea. Contrastingly there are a few not so good Senegalese that will try to take advantage of your lack of knowledge of the country. For the most part, however, most here are genuinely good and are very, very hospitable.
This is a picture of Malick with our CIEE intern, Haley, going over the Coach Bénévole orientation. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. I should have a place secured in Point E commencing tomorrow. But until then, a special thanks to Malick and his wife Awa for their generosity!
Good luck house hunting!! I'm glad you've got a safe place to stay in the meantime! :)